My mom is a talk-show host on the radio, a profession that normally makes one think of communications, networking, things of that nature.  She has a degree in communications with a minor in Russian history, and a second degree in interior design.  None of these really bring the thought of sales to mind.  However, the more I’ve observed my mother do her job (and the more I’ve learned about what actually goes into the sales profession), the more I’ve come to realize that my mom, Kathleen Emmons, is actually a professional saleswoman.

Kathy has to sell every day.  She sells her personality, conversation topics, interviews; she sells topics and people of interest to the general public.  Being a good saleswoman is what keeps her show so popular – if she didn’t draw people in, listenership would be low.  The first time I saw her really at work was an out-of-body experience for me.  It felt surreal, almost like seeing one of your teachers at the grocery store for the first time.  You see them and it doesn’t make sense – you don’t live at school?  The world is a lie.  That’s how it felt the first time I saw my mom operate in a networking setting.  She has a 30 second commercial for herself, and it’s extremely effective – she gets hired wherever she goes.

My mom is a phenomenal communicator, she has a stellar personality that fills a room, and she makes everyone feel comfortable in just about any situation you can think of.  She is sought out to greet important people when they come to our city, to emcee large events, to take control of functions that require large amounts of eloquence and personality.  Every aspect of myself that could be useful in even the SLIGHTEST sense in a sales context comes from being Kathy Emmons’ daughter.  Living with her is like being in a constant internship, and the more I learn about sales, the more I notice how much I pick up just from being in her presence.  She’s a natural saleswoman, and I can only hope that some of her skill rubs off on me.

2 thoughts on “Realizing That My Mom Actually Sells EVERYTHING”
  1. It is so neat that you recognize these qualities in your mom! I love how after taking this class you can recognize sale’s principles that we use everyday and all around us.

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