Dealing with failure is necessary for success.  In class, we discussed the importance of interrogative self-talk. I think a great example of interrogative self-talk can be found in Jim Carrey’s “Yes Man”.

At the beginning of the movie, Carl Allen is suffering from a lack of enthusiasm caused by a lack of buoyancy.  Then Carl attends a seminar about “the power of yes”.  This seminar mimics the declarative self-talk approach of conventional wisdom.  This conventional wisdom works for Carl for a while but eventually, all his success begins to fall apart. 

At the end of the movie, Carl’s romantic interest explains to him that saying yes to everything won’t work long term.  Instead, Carl should approach life with a rational and interrogative mentality.

2 thoughts on “Dealing With Failure”
  1. I think that the topic of interrogative self-talk is super interesting in quite a few ways. Just looking at it as purely being your own hype-man, I think that it’s great advice and a great thing to have a lot of practice. I like your connection to the movie though, because anything that resembles a “fake it til you make it” persona ALWAYS has caveats, and they should not be ignored.

  2. I have never seen this movie, but it seems like he couldn’t get anything right. This is when people have to switch up their sales tactics and see if it will work better for them.

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