One problem with our modern culture is the over saturation of information and ideas. This saturation makes differentiating yourself from the rest of the crowd extremely difficult. In order to effectively sell yourself or your ideas, they must stand out from the rest of the crowd. Do you have an app idea that is just like 10 that already exist on the App Store? Great, but you won’t get very far with selling it unless you can differentiate it from the rest. The same goes for yourself. Do you want that promotion or that new job? Great, learn how you stand out from others and then offer that version of yourself to your employer.  Show them why you are better suited for the position than the other 10 applicants. You can be the most charismatic and charming person in the world, but if you have no defining skills or personality traits, then you will not be able to effectively sell yourself.

One thought on “Want To Sell Yourself? Be Unique.”
  1. Differentiation is absolutely vital to being successful now-a-days. If one person has a good idea, somebody will go and make the same thing but cheaper just to make money, which is horrible and unethical.

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