Everyone thinks that extroverts are the best salespeople. They are natural born. Their outgoingness makes them easy to talk to, and they are not hesitant to back down from an opportunity. Introverts are the worst salespeople. They are too quiet. Their quietness can turn off the buyer and the buyer could lose a lack of interest. When opportunities are presented, introverts are unable to take advantage.

These commonly held ideas are myths!! Salespeople are not “natural born” sales people. Good salespeople can be both introverts and extroverts. They are good at what they do and use their own styles to appeal to the buyer.

It actually turns out that ambiverts have proven when to be the best sellers. Ambiverts are people who show both traits of extroversion and introversion. Ambiverts know when to shut up and when to speak up.


This article speaks about ambiverts and is linked to a test by Daniel Pink that can determine if you are a natural born introvert, extravert, or ambivert. The article says that despite common conceptions, 2/3 of fall somewhere in between introverts and extraverts–> they are ambiverts.

One thought on “Extroverts losing to ambiverts?”
  1. I like this post it was interesting reading it and learning about it in class, because the initial thing to think is that extroverts would be the perfect sales person, but I was wrong. Being an Ambivert is an advantage because you have a better grasp on when to talk and when to shut up.

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