In class, we discussed a topic called the Real You versus the Role You.  The real you is the person that you truly are, unhindered, not made up any certain way to impress anyone.  The role you, on the other hand, is the persona that you put on in a social context, in a sales context in this case.  The role you is the entertainer, the performance version of yourself that you slip into in social scenarios.  There’s nothing wrong with having a role you, most people do, the point of bringing it up is actually to focus on how the role you can help overcome your personal failures.

When you fail in a social or sales setting, it can be very easy to blame yourself and just get generally down about what happened.  However, when you think about sales in the context of there being those genuine differences between your true self and your performance self, it becomes less personal when you fail.  They didn’t reject you, they rejected your product, your performance.  It doesn’t have to be personal, and this is especially important regarding getting over your failures quickly and efficiently.  The less personal you make it, the faster you move on and keep going, which is truly what sales is all about.  That’s the subject of buoyancy, how to keep going even when you have obstacles in your path.

4 thoughts on “The Role You”
  1. Congrats on getting all your blogs in just in-time. We all know that Neil Armstrong when talking about the moon landing. But what about the astronauts that carried out other missions? What are they called? Nobody know unless you are really into that kind of stuff. Armstrong stood out because he had a tag/title: the FIRST man stepping on the moon. I just can relate this to the the Role You because we all need some sort of tags in the society and we can get lost in pursuing those tags.

  2. I am not going to lie, I am definitely one of those people who has my sales persona and also the real version of myself. As you point out, it is important to remember that they are not rejecting us but what we are selling however sometimes it is hard to remember that.

  3. I love how you simplified the definitions and made them easy to understand. I never truly understood this until Professor Sweet had taught it in class, it had really helped me to see the differences between the two and then separate them myself, as sometimes they can get lodged together.

  4. I consider myself as having a real me, and a different role me. I act and carry myself in a very different manner selling, rather than I do just being myself. I think it is very important to try and separate those two versions of yourself and work on them individually.

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