Introverts and extroverts, many people think that you are either 100% one or 100% the other, but it is more complicated than that.  It is not possible to be 100% of one or the other. I, for example, am very much an introvert, but if I am comfortable around you, many people believe that I am an extrovert. I have told my boss about how most think I am shy and quiet, and she was floored and did not believe me, but she has always known me to be an extroverted person when working with my co-workers and customers. But what does it mean to be an introvert and what does it mean to be an extrovert?

Introverts are people who use the energy that they have inside themselves when they act. My aunt, who is an accomplished social worker, also states it as “you need to be alone in order to recharge your social battery”. Anyways, introverts are people who tend to carefully consider things, they think before speaking or acting on something, not very spontaneous people. Introverts also avoid conflict when it arises, if they do contribute to something, they tend to be soft-spoken. Introverts naturally listen more than they speak.

Extroverts are people who gain energy from outside sources, such as other people or events. Or as my aunt would say, people who recharge their social battery by being around other people. Extroverts usually like to work in group projects. They also like to try new things, which can be described as impulsive by most. Talking through problems help you to solve them better and faster, not just from having people around and them giving their ideas, but extroverts minds work better when others are around.



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