The world of sales is on the grow. Everyone is a sales person at heart have sold things in their life, whether it was a product for money, their services such as mowing the lawn, or just why you should not get in trouble with your parents. These days many more people are becoming sales people for many reasons, such as the entrepreneurship side of things, the elasticity of sales, and the Ed – Med world which is also on the grow.


People are more comfortable selling a product that they know about or have designed themselves. In a world where people have the options to create their own product ideas and share their services, entrepreneurship is on the rise. One thing that has to come along with entrepreneurship is sales since entrepreneurs need to sell their ideas, their business story, and get the shareholders to believe in them. These people are comfortable in their niches and want to determine their own futures.  The internet is a huge reason for this growth since people can also sell their stuff on Ebay and Etsy which is a form of micro- entrepreneurship.


Along with entrepreneurship, elasticity is a large factor in the growth of sales. Many companies are beginning to make everyone worker at their company sales people since it does not matter whether you are an extrovert or an introvert since anyone could succeed in selling. This stretching of people into sales roles is playing a huge factor in the growth of sales.

Ed – Med 

Finally, along with elasticity and entrepreneurship, the world of sales is growing because of the Ed – Med side of things. The growing of Education and Medicine is causing a large scale moving of people. This large scale moving is one of the last major factors that is causing the growth of sales throughout the world.

One thought on “Forces Moving People Into Sales”
  1. I agree I believe the internet is a huge reason why people moved towards sales. It gives people access to the biggest marketplace in the world and you can virtually sell anything to anyone within reason.

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