Every component of the sales funnel should constantly be re-examined to determine if there is any way by which it can be improved.  From your very first customer, one of the most important components that cannot be overlooked is that of the post-sale period.  This is a very important time to collect reviews from purchasers, and harness them to influence future potential consumers.

Think about this logically.  The more positive reviews a product or service gets, and its seller, the better the chances are of making a sale.   Amazon is pretty much the king of online reviews, which its customers rely heavily on, and yet it reports that only  ten to twenty percent of buyers leave feedback after their purchases.  That’ s a problem for Amazon, but an even bigger problem for smaller companies which are even less known, and have an even harder time collecting feedback from purchasers.

Increasing (positive) feedback volume directly increases sales; there are two key ways companies can control this.

1. Reduce chances for negative reviews by being honest about the product, and by surpassing customers’ standard expectations regarding its order and delivery.

2. Don’t try to elicit positive reviews from customers, but do offer discounts or product in exchange for their opinions.  Follow up with each customer to explain the importance of feedback in terms of enhancing future versions of the product, as well as to prevent dissatisfaction from other customers.  Don’t force customers to leave specific comments – there’s nothing wrong with a star rating for different categories.

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