When we went outside for our class, Professor Sweet saw Coach Zach, assistant men’s lacrosse coach, and asked him to come speak to our class about his role at Grove City. He explained that he works in the Alumni Giving Department at Grove City, and how he uses sales every day when talking to people. He talks to investors, Grove City Alumni, and others to ask for donations to be put towards Grove City College. When talking to these people, he is selling them on Grove City and how they can make an impact at the college. He talked about important factors that he needs/uses every day and that salespeople should use. First, you should be very knowledgeable in what you’re talking about. For example, Coach Zach knew a lot of history of Grove City and told us stories about walking people around Grove City and informing them about the school. Second, you have to believe in what you’re selling. If you don’t believe what you’re selling, it will be harder to portray that to who you’re talking about. I think talking and listening to Coach Zach helped put into perspective that sales is used in everyday life and in every field of work.

One thought on “Impromptu Speaker”
  1. I found Coach Zach’s insight to be very insightful and helpful when thinking about sales, even though it was impromptu! His knowledge and love for the school and its students really blew me away and put into perspective how well a salesman knows/believes in his product. I now know that he is a great resource to go for advice about life and sales.

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