Evan Addams came to speak to our class today to talk about the different types of salespeople. He said there are 5 salespeople you meet in Heaven: the hard worker, the relationship builder, the problem solver, the lone wolf, the challenger,

The hard-worker salesperson is what it sounds like. This type of salesperson is self-motivated, always looking for ways to improve, and doesn’t give up when something gets hard. They always put in lots of effort and work long hours to make sure their tasks are finished and well-done.

The relationship builder focuses on creating strong relationships with clients and potential clients. They want their clients to know they are accessible and want to help. They are willing to put in years to build a relationship to show their client they can trust them.

The problem solver salesperson focuses on making sure all the problems are figured out and fixed, as well as paying attention to detail. They want to make sure that they are seen as reliable. They are similar to the hard-worker salesperson, but pay attention to detail. These salespeople are always trying to find their clients problem and a solution to help them.

The lone wolf salesperson is on a mission to get a sale and follows their instincts in a sales scenario, instead of the normal process. They tend to be disliked by others but that doesn’t bother them because they bring in big wins for their business/company. They are self-confident because they make many big sales but are the riskiest type of salesperson.

The challenger salesperson is one of the best types of salespeople. They tend to have a different perspective and goal from other salespeople. They focus on helping their clients figure out the best solution for their problem, instead of forcing a specific solution or giving the client what they want. Because they think differently, they push their clients to think differently about solving problems. They tend to take characteristics from the other four types of salespeople and create a well-rounded salesperson, aka the challenger.

2 thoughts on “Meeting with Evan Addams”
  1. I definitely am the problem solving person. I pay attention to details because I know that small things sometimes can throw off an entire project. It is helpful to learn the other types of salespeople though because it helps create patience with people who might work differently than yourself

  2. Its interesting to put them into 5 categories like those. I probably lean toward the lone wolf when it comes to sales, but I haven’t done much sales. Looking at the different categories is helpful to put into perspective the different ways you can sell as well.

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