Over the past week, in Professor Sweet’s class, we have been doing sales role play conversations. These conversations have been a blast to be a part of and even more fun to watch. I feel like they have really been helpful in sharpening the skills we have learned throughout the semester and putting them to use in a real conversation. It is one thing to sit in a classroom and learn about sales, but it is a whole different animal actually selling and steering the conversation in a sales setting. The two biggest takeaways I got from the mock sales conversations are the importance of determining the customer’s pain and staying on track with your questions.

One of main tasks that we had to accomplish in our conversations was getting to the root of the customer’s pain. This had to be done by asking thorough, well thought through questions that extracted information from the potential buyer. Often times the buyer would turn these questions back around on you, but this was a ploy to try to throw you off your game. You, as a seller, need to flip the questions back around and continue to gather information from your potential buyer so you can best suit their needs with your service. Once this pain is truly determined, you can focus around it and further the conversation to gain a potential customer.

4 thoughts on “In Class Sales Conversations”
  1. You did a really good job in your pitch. You are really good with people and can hold conversations very well. You were able to get to the pain point very well and asked a lot of good questions. It is great to see that you had two big takeaways from your sales final project. Keep up the good work.

  2. I am looking forward to my pitch this week. I like your point about staying on track. If the customer has all day to chat then maybe you can get off track but with some people you can’t get off track.

  3. I appreciate you listing some things to watch out for. Identifying the customer’s main pain through many many questions being asked, is an important thing to remember for the conversation. Being one of the first people to go, I thought you did fairly well in your conversation!

  4. I absolutely agree with this and have been thoroughly enjoying all of the conversations that we have been a part of this week. The great thing about this is it also helps us to learn how to talk to people in the real world when it comes to selling.

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