I am going to start this post off with the following disclaimer: I am not an expert on the art of selling; I have taken one class and still have a lot to learn. With that being said, I would like to offer some advise to those who have yet to get in front of the class and make their final sales project and, for those who have done their final project, before they go and sell again to a customer. My first tip is to stay calm. This does not mean to neglect the high energy of a customer if they have it or to speak so calmly that you put the customer asleep, but it is very important to keep a level head when selling. Secondly, remember the rules we have been taught over the course of this class. If you remember the rules we have been taught then you will be okay.

My next bit of advise is to remember to ask questions and then to shut up and listen. As an individual who absolutely loves to talk and can often get carried away in conversation, this is something that I have had to work on a lot even just over the course of this class. It is to my understanding that you can get yourself out of a lot of jams by just asking questions to you customer. Finally, you need to practice selling a lot. Selling is just like anything else, if you want to separate yourself from good to great, then you need to practice. Put yourself in situations where you can use the things we have used in order to make the sling process go more smoothly when it actually comes time to sell. Try selling on your friends and family or at least some of rules and tactics we have learned.

As one of the Grove City Men’s Soccer coaches– Treg Lunger– love to tell us to do is ask difficult questions. Now he is referring to us trying to make the other teams make a difficult decision on what do do when we are playing the sport. I would expand on this and encourage you to ask difficult questions of yourself and put yourself into positions to be able to practice these techniques.

For those who have yet to sit in the hot seat and for those who plan to continue to sit there even once the class ends, I wish you all the best of luck. I have enjoyed learning about sales and hope you all did as well.

One thought on “When you get in the Hot Seat”
  1. I enjoyed this post. I think getting on the hot seat will take some time to get used to it but i think with repetition it will be easy.

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