Although we were taught that money is not everything, it is actually a very important part in our life because it solves most things. In the context of sales, the budget talk is inevitable. Otherwise, there will not a be a closure.

By having enough budget can get rid of a lot of worries off one’s head, therefore it can cause pain otherwise. It can be summed up as “the more budget, the less pain. The more pain, the more spending”.

Money is a very touchy topic, and most people struggled to get comfortable to talk about money along the way, including myself. There are many reasons for that as we have discussed in class.

Then I realized that there is no need to get uncomfortable because the budget conversation is normal. The budget conversation occurs at nearly every aspect of life. It could happen with family, relationship, friends, or just yourself. We plan budget in order to solve problems, and it is something that everybody deals with on a regular basis. In this regard, money is just a tool that we use to solve problems. We have to get comfortable to use that tool, and that includes letting someone else help us using it in order to achieve our goals.

At this point, the only thing that I can do to reduce my pain in the future is to invest myself in various areas now. In short, I have to work my a** off to get rich. And cheers to people who are striving for the same goal.

One thought on “Budget”
  1. Asking people about their budget could be a difficult question, but once it is tackled then you could really get an idea of what this person is looking for while also helping to fill their needs in a way that satisfies them.

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