Whether it be through sales or through “non-sales” selling, we all face situations where we are not fully prepared. As salespeople, we are often forced to improvise. It is important to not let the buyer (of a product, service, or idea) trap us into a corner where there is no escape. There are many different maneuvers that salespeople can use to bring a conversation back to focus or turn things in their favor. If the buyer asks something that the salesperson cannot answer or does not want to answer at a certain time, the salesperson can use a phrase such as “that is a great question, but before I answer that let me first ask you a question.” A phrase like this turns the attention from the seller back to the buyer and enables the seller to learn more about the buyer before getting him or herself trapped into a corner. Similarly, if a buyer asks about budget, it is often wise for the seller to ask what the buyer thinks would be reasonable before throwing out a number. If the seller throws out a number too low, then they miss out on possible profits that they could’ve had. If they throw out a number too high, it could throw the buyer off. When selling a product, service, or idea, the natural tendency of the seller is often for themselves to do the talking. However, it is very effective when sellers ask more questions rather than talking or informing because asking questions engages the consumer.

One thought on “The “Hot Seat” is Hot”
  1. Being able to read and understand people is such a key factor in business since there are so many different types of people and personalities in the world. If you can be able to communicate with all different types of people then you have a key factor in being successful in business.

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