It is so easy sometimes to treat clients differently just based off who they are, what is different from you, their background, their demographic, their age, really anything. When you see a prospective client you gain an initial thought on who they are and stereotype them in some capacity. It is something that we all need to work on, because treating every customer the same and serving them to the best of our ability is crucial.

The saying is to treat everyone like you would your grandmother with 80k twitter followers. Meaning, treat every client like they are the most important client you’ve ever had. It is your job to ‘upserve’ rather than ‘upsell’. Your goal should never first and foremost be to make the sale. that is not your goal. That may be the end result, but that is not your goal. Your goal is to serve your prospective client, get to the root of their pain and figure out the best way to help them solve it — whether that be through your business or even pointing them towards a different business that you think might suit them better and fulfill their needs more. Your goal is to just connect with them, get to know them, really invest in them, and help them find the solution that is right for them no matter who they are.

It is so easy to get into the rut of just selling and trying people to part with their money as fast as we possibly can, but if sales were to go through a name change is should be called serving rather than selling, because that is what you are called to do. Serve. Not sell, not manipulate, not self focused, but outwardly selfless and serving in every capacity you possibly can.

3 thoughts on “Treat everyone as you would your grandmother”
  1. The concept of putting yourself in a different perspective and viewing your clients in a different light is very interesting.

  2. I love this analogy because it also inadvertantly talks about the 70/30 rule. Listening to their stories and their pains and maybe being able to solve them.

  3. I found this concept super interesting, and I think it is really helpful for all of life. It is also really relatable to sales, and I think it goes hand in hand with attunement.

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