This semester has honestly been a blast. I have thoroughly enjoyed Professor Sweet and the material he has taught over the semester. The way he interacts with students and keeps the class engaged is something I truly appreciate in a professor. I wanted to take my last blog post to reflect on my favorite takeaways from Sales in the Startup. These takeaways consist of buoyancy and core concept #2, “don’t spill your candy in the lobby”.

Buoyancy is a topic that Professor Sweet religiously preached about in lectures. This topic is also one that I found to be really interesting and applicable in the sales world. Buoyancy is the ability to stay afloat amid the ocean of rejection. Rejection is a major concern in sales, and often something that deters people away from this profession. Being able to hang in there and grow from the rejection that comes in the world of sales is key to growing your skills and becoming a better seller. You need to have the ability the to keep moving forward despite the obstacles thrown your way and deal with this rejection effectively.

Another topic that really struck my interest in Sales in the Startup is the core concept #2. This core concept is “don’t spill your candy in the lobby”. You need to hang on to your key information and save it for crucial parts in the sale. Be weary of spilling all you know before you even get into the sales conversation because this will leave you repeating yourself and have your customer knowing all your hot spots. Do not show all you can do prematurely to the customer, leave them guessing and wondering what else you can do to gauge their attention. Keeping your “edge” or “upper hand” in sales is crucial because you do not want your customer to have all your information and start shopping around to your competitors.

These are my two favorite takeaways and I’m excited to be able to put the skills I have learned in this class to use. Thanks for a great semester!

5 thoughts on “End of Semester Thoughts”
  1. Great thoughts Mondo! I also love the ideas of “not spilling your candy in the lobby” and how to handle rejection. Rejection is just a way of life and we need to be able to get back up after hearing someone say no. I think that is a lesson that even applies to life in general!

  2. I love when you talked about not spilling your candy in the lobby. I also love how you talk about dealing with rejection and understanding that failure is just part of the process.

  3. Ya ‘not spilling your candy in the lobby’ was a super interesting topic and one that I never would’ve thought about had Professor Sweet not said anything. I am super thankful for this semester and everything that I’ve learned this year

    Have a fantastic last couple weeks and good luck in finals!

  4. Good thoughts Mondo! Best of luck in not spilling your candy in the future. I know you’ll do things right; you’re a natural.

  5. Both of these concepts are super interesting. I loved how buoyancy can really be used all throughout your life. The don’t spill your candy in the lobby concept is something that was super interesting and new to me. I also really enjoyed this semester and professor Sweet’s teaching style.

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