During this semester we have learned how to stay on the right side of the sales conversation by staying engaged and asking a lot of questions and continuing to ask questions based off of the answers the customer gives, which sounds a lot easier that it is.  Just in the short sales project that we had with the TAs and Professor Sweet you saw how easy it is to get the entire conversation flipped by messing up one time.  I would say the easiest way to avoid situations like that is to know what questions you want to lead with in the beginning, but after you get through all of those you want to make sure you take your time and think about what you plan to say next because if you don’t you might give up too much information and have to spend the rest of the pitch digging yourself out of the hole. (Like me)

One thought on “Staying on the Right Side of the Conversation”
  1. I agree that going into the sales conversation with a few example questions in your mind just to get you thinking about answers for those questions, but even the questions at the beginning of the conversation should be branched off of the initial response and how a potential buyer is acting.

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