Over this semester I have learned a lot. Sales has been a really interesting class for me and I really enjoyed it. Overall, there were a few things that really stuck out to me and made me think a little differently. The first thing, which is actually one of the first things we talked about, is non-sales selling. This is the idea that everyone is in sales in some form or another. We defined sales as the art of moving people, and the fact of the matter is that everyone tries to convince people of something throughout their life. What this really means is that sales can relate to anyone, and can relate to any aspect of life. We talked about it in terms of relationships, as well as sharing the gospel, and I think that it is a really cool way of looking at sales.

Another thing that stood out to me was Buoyancy. Buoyancy is all about how well you deal with failure. This is so relatable to other areas of life because failure happens so often. Buoyancy is in general really useful, especially the concept of the real you vs. the role you, looking at failures of your job and other things as failures of the role you. This helps to make sure you realize that the real you is fine, and those failures do not define you.

I enjoyed this class and I felt like I learned a lot.

One thought on “Final thoughts”
  1. I love to think of sales as just a way of moving people, its inspiring and makes me want to go into the sales profession, but then I reel myself back into reality and know that it is not the profession for me.

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