I found a blog post and to my surprise it is basically an overview of Pinks, To Sell is Human that we have been reading throughout the course of this semester, so I knew I had to write about it. It goes over what are the six new rules of sales.

The first new rule of sales is attunement. Pink breaks it down into three principles: increase your power by reducing it, use your head as much as your heart, and mimic strategically. The second rue is buoyancy. This is the ability to be able to take negativity and rejection while still staying positive. The third new rule is clarity. This reminded me of “finding the pain” that we learned about during class because we are supposed to find problems rather than trying to solve all of them. You are supposed to help others see their situation in a new way and identify problems that they did not even know that they had. The fourth ne rule is pitch. There are many different types of pitches, the most common form being the elevator pitch. The other types are the one word pitch, the question pitch, the rhyming pitch, the subject line pitch, the twitter pitch, and the Pixar pitch. Pink also recommends that we practice our pitches constantly to keep up with new ideas and effective methods of pitching. The fifth rule is to improvise. Pink related sales to improvisational theater and says that these methods lead to sales success: hear offers, say “yes and…”, and to make your partner look good.  This can be practiced by slowing down and listening to what others are telling you. The sixth new rule is to serve. The two biggest rules of this are to make it personal and to make it purposeful. Most people lose their ability to connect with other because they get so invested in trying to close the sales, which will not connect well with the customer.


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