One off the biggest takeaways that I have gotten from this class and the entrepreneurship department in general, is to find a customer’s pain. I found an article stating how to find and solve somebody’s pain to help them to the best of their ability.

Customer pain points are “issues or problems that are causing prospective customers of your business “pain,” requiring a solution.” Uncovering these pain points should impact how and why you are selling to the consumer. There are also different types of pain points: productivity pain points, financial pain points, process pain points, and support pain points. There are also some questions that can help to uncover pain points. The trick is to ask open-ended questions and when you do, ask open-ended questions that have quality in them and not just any questions. Next, you can use customer testimonials to help share solutions. Sometimes customers need proof that you are actually able to help them, so getting stories of real people and sharing them with potential customers can be vital to your business. Aligning sales and marketing data is vital to generating sales. The sales and marketing team need to work closely together so that they have the business ideals and vision straight and to make sure that they are telling the same story. Another tip is to show customers that you understand their pain point, this is when you tell them how to solve it. In a study by IBM, 78% of consumers feel as if they are not understood by brands. Some ways to show that you understand are to tailor your solution to their business, use the same language as they do, emphasize solving their pain, and show how your the solution can relieve this pain.



One thought on “Customer Pain Points”
  1. You are right it is all about the pain points and finding ways to help them alleviate their pain. You did a great job with this post by the way, very informative.

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