Amazon’s take on sales

It’s hard to imagine a time before Amazon and Google were as big of a part of our lives as they are now. We have been launched into an era of online convenience and needs delivered. How Amazon managed to make themselves such a necessity to millions had a lot to do with their groundbreaking business plan. It also had a lot to do with the new age of consumer information usage, however, and the newness of online information in general. Personal information became its own commerce, and the uniqueness of its usage, made it so that ethics were at a loss to make a solid argument for or against it.

Amazon kept chugging away, building value and brand and a new world. Online shopping was barely existent and not popular by any means until Jeff Bezos came along with his big idea. To be sure, it took a while for us to adapt to and accept Amazon, but when it happened it happened in an explosive way. Now, Amazon had almost 386 billion USD in sales in 2020, and their market share continues to rise.

A huge part of their success has been how thoughtless they made the conversion from advertisement to sales. Thoughtless in that we don’t know we’re being sold to until we’ve already bought the product and are waiting at our door for that smiley brown box.

Their method is masterful at least, Amazon has made advertising into such a formula that their selling doesn’t even feel like selling. We think about toilet paper, and there’s an ad for it on our laptop. We go on Amazon to buy toilet paper because it’s dangerous out, and there’s that new cat bed your kitten dreamed about two weeks ago. While these are imaginative exaggerations, this is basically how easy Amazon has made it for us to buy. We think, we need, Amazon gives.

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