Groundhog Day is a classic movie about a down and out guy learning to take life a little easier and make every day count: because you might not get a tomorrow. It involves a pretty lady, a chubby groundhog…and a really annoying sales guy.

The classic caricature of salespeople has always been the Weasley, greasy, snake man who can make a joke and a sale out of anything. There are plenty of ways people slip up and fall into that persona, even on accident.

In Groundhog Day, the salesman is an old “friend” of the main character, butts into his personal space and time and gets up in his face to make a connection. Do not sell on connections. In the movie, he reminisces about the good old days when they were in school together, though it is obvious they weren’t friends ever! He follows the main character around, hands him his card, asks to get lunch, talks, talks, talks, and doesn’t read the two man room.

He did a very good job of believing that he was being friendly and agreeable. He was really boorish and awkward. In real life, no one is going to be able to hit all those marks missed without a lot of effort. It is still important, however, to keep in mind the responsiveness you get from the person you’re talking to. Are they into the conversation? Should you keep talking or actually ask a question and let them answer? Do not chase after a sale that’s not going to happen, and look for a need before you look for ears.

Old proverbs talk about having one mouth and two ears, and acting accordingly-that’s an important consideration in sales! Listen 70% talk 30%, listen for pain, don’t sell on connections, and maybe don’t follow someone walking away from you.

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