As we all know Covid-19 has provoked a huge amount of change and adaptation in the world that we live in. Many people got laid off and small businesses that were previously doing well started to experience many difficult losses from being completely shut down. For other business, however, this gave them an opportunity to adapt and thrive. For example, drive in movie theaters experienced a surge of growth in light of the pandemic. Drive in movie theaters from all across the United States experienced a 60% increase in business. Drive-ins in America started in the 1930’s and one drive in movie theater owner in California kept renewed the family business right before the pandemic hit. John Watskey shares his thoughts on the increase in business and popular area for people when he states, “Well it gives people the ability to get out of their house and take a road trip while following the Covid-19 guidelines.” Watskey mentions how most people are comfortable just hanging out in their rooms watching Netflix and TV from there homes, however the drive in theaters help families be able to stay together and enjoy the company of one another while staying safe. This goes to show that while some businesses sufferred many losses during the pandemic, others were able to thrive and change the course of how the business functioned. While drive in movie theaters have had a huge surge in business, there are many others as well that we have adapted to live in our lives. This is a small example of how businesses are susceptible to growth and failure due to changes in the environment and the pandemic has allowed for more growth and opportunity for the entrepreneur that is willing to change and start something new.

5 thoughts on “Entrepreneurs During Covid”
  1. It’s true that the pandemic has altered a lot of things for businesses, but this increases a company’s ability to be flexible and cater to their customers. I like the example you used of drive-in theaters gaining more popularity during the pandemic. Entrepreneurs who are willing to change and try new things will succeed in this world. Good post!

  2. That is interesting. Covid brought around so many changes some bad and some great for others. Entrepreneurs will need to learn from this and be able to pivot to whatever they need so that they can be prepared for whatever comes next. Nice post.

  3. This is a really good post. Love the example you gave about the movies. There are just some things that you can never anticipate and this is such a good example of how people can make a bad situation good.

  4. David, you make some very good points in this post. I agree with the idea that everything that happens in the world in some way changes the business land scape. This is to the detriment of certain companies and a opportunity to others. I also like how you point out the fact that everything that happens can be made into a opportunity.

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