Sometimes I forget about my past experience at a college that promoted critical race theory. This was one of the major reasons I transferred, and the fact that professors in a lot of departments voiced their opinion on politics in a way that made me feel at fault, and unworthy rather than learning something that will benefit me and my future. Being at Grove City, a school that does not take government money and focuses on faith and freedom is something I will forever be grateful for.

In a research article from Fox News, it shows how 236 colleges or universities have a form of mandatory student training on ideas related to critical race theory. This is very shocking because instead of teaching students information that will benefit them for their future and instead they are being brainwashed by the leftist agenda. William A. Jacobson, a law professor at Cornell University added to this by stating, “Higher ed is focused on what divides people, exacerbating rather than solving problems.” This is a very important point because students should feel comfortable in their community for their four years, and instead they are being pushed away from each other. shows they have tracked 520 schools of higher education and then some more.

Now to tie this all together, universities are selling the critical race theory to students that know no better. Whether the students know it or not, they are being sold to all the time by professors and the university itself. This is not just some kind of subtle selling either, it is way of manipulation and force of conforming to the agenda. The culture that the CRT creates is very toxic and makes it so people cannot have their own opinion unless it supports their agenda. For me I noticed that my friends would turn me away and call me a racist because I was a republican. While I may not agree with the selling of CRT, the people behind this know exactly what they are doing and know how to manipulate an entire generation

Stanford University campus (David Butow/Corbis via Getty Images)

3 thoughts on “Universities Selling CRT”
  1. Great post, David! I think the integration of CRT is a great example of how even if a sale is successful it doesn’t always mean it is right or the best fit. The salesperson should always value the customer over their own motivations.

  2. Wow! This is a great post. I think your stance is quite well put. It shows that whether you do everything right, it does not mean that you are doing the right thing. However, I think CRT is a sensitive topic that others might have a differing opinion about.

  3. I, too, am a transfer student, David. Part of the reason I chose to leave my previous (“Christian”) school was because of the way they handled race. We were required to undergo diversity training and in class settings, it was very difficult to express opinions that differed from the status quo on race or just political topics in general. The Grove is certainly a special place for people with differing opinions!

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