I was in my Capital Markets class and we began to talk about the new MetaVerse. We watched videos on it and learned about how it works. It is an interactive world where people can interact freely with other people and teleport throughout the world in the MetaVerse. Once we got further into the discussion we began to talk about how the Metaverse is selling property in the game that is considered valuable because of its location in the game, but the problem is that if you can teleport anywhere how does that make it valuable? This led me to think about how the groups selling this virtual “land” is selling these plots of land. I looked this up online and found that groups like “SuperWorld” are selling plots of “land” and making massive profits off it. Land is the biggest part of the idea of selling in the MetaVerse currently, but groups like Nike, Disney, and Gucci are investing lots of time and money to be a solid presence in the virtual world. One example was that Nike will have Colin Kaepernick, their spokesperson, in the Metaverse to greet people and show them their stores and whatnot. This is a whole new idea of advertising and selling. From what I see it is taking in person selling and putting it on the computer and online. You will be able to interact with real people online and have real conversations with them while you are at home. It is somewhat scary to think about but interesting at the same time. The MetaVerse is fairly new and that means there are many things that will change and be fixed. It is an interesting topic for this blog because it is something that could one day be a part of the curriculum for sales or marketing. Only time will tell.

Article: In Mark Zuckerberg’s metaverse, how will advertisements look? (cnbc.com)

One thought on “New Wave of Selling in the Metaverse”
  1. I think this is very interesting the meta-verse is a whole new are that could be the next leap for social media and lead Facebook farther ahead than the other social media platforms. or with the current bad publicity it may end up falling flat and not help grow Facebook.

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