Throughout these first couple weeks, we have all learned the fundamentals on how to successfully sell a product. I recently had a job interview and had the chance to apply these ideas to a real life and human example. There are ways of ensuring a good interview and it doesn’t take much.

The first thing, which we talked a lot about in class, is knowing the company you are applying for, or in selling a product’s case-knowing your product. Say you are applying for a restaurant, it is important that you thoroughly go through the positions they are looking to hire as well as the website it self. By familiarizing yourself with what the company wants, you can know the best way to market or even sell yourself.

The second thing is realizing the interview is not about you. This might sound ridiculous but interviews often go poorly when the interviewee narrates their entire life story. Just like we talked about in class, the sale will go best when asking the buyer what they want. Obviously, an interview is your chance to show that you would be a good candidate, but asking questions will show a true interest in the company and a deep enough understanding of what the company truly stands for.

And lastly, be careful with how you present yourself. We talked a lot about how salespeople can be pushy and overbearing, but when you are in an interview it is important to be humble and to listen intently on what your interviewer is asking. An important way to show that you are a worth while purchase is to be intentional and thoughtful.

I found this article to be a very interesting read and enjoyed the advice it gave about selling yourself in an interview.

How to Sell Yourself in a Sales Interview


3 thoughts on “How to sell yourself… an interview”
  1. I think your point about the interview being about the company, not the interviewee, is insightful. Employers are not interested in how the interviewee can benefit from the position. They are looking for people who will add to a team committed to helping the company itself thrive. It would be a red flag for the employer when the interviewee appears to be too invested in knowing what they will get out of the position and not as interested in what they can bring to the company.

  2. I also agree that you have to look at the company as a customer when interviewing is very interesting. The company has a goal by hiring you and like it or not your well being is often not at the top of their list. By telling them how they will benefit like we learned from Coach Dido they will have only more reason to hire you.

  3. This post was very helpful. I find myself often getting caught up just answering the interviewee’s questions as best as possible and do not let my personality or interest for the company shine through. Great post.

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