A positive sales experience that I once had was in the summer on a Friday at target. Now normally I tend to be an independent shopper, banking on my own ability to find things in the store on my own. I would spend up to an hour finding what I need instead of asking employees. But, on this particular Friday I had no problem asking for help to find my normally purchased items. I met with an employee, who was probably doing important things, and asked her to direct me to the Brookside chocolates. Once she has taken me there, she told me her favorite chocolate and how it is the best. She warned me of the steep price of the Brookside’s, and I, being well aware of the price I had to pay and just had gotten my pay day, realized how nice that was. She cared more about me than gaining money. Some might say that this would be judgmental for her to question what I was putting my money toward, but the transparency and honesty that she showed made me made me more susceptible to buy other items and give to the company that gives to her.

2 thoughts on “pay day buys”
  1. I think her honesty was a really kind thing to offer, and at the end of the day, it made you more willing to spend your money there. I think a personal approach, like the one she offered, encourages customers to feel safe and considered in a sales process. This was a great example, thanks for sharing!

  2. This is one reason why it is nice to talk to people in retail who are not getting paid commission. They will be honest with you and do not care as much if they actually sell you a product. However this lack a caring can be dangerous as well.

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