When it comes to making a sale, sell yourself before you sell your product or service. In other words, sell yourself as someone who is genuine and has people’s best interests at heart. This can be done by starting off with questions. Starting off with questions shows you are going to learn about who they are and what their needs are before you blindly recommend whatever you are selling.

People can see through someone who is only focused on serving themselves, and if a salesperson conducts themselves as such, their conversion rates will be sub-par. Asking questions first is also good because if you are an honest salesperson, you should truly be curious about who you are talking to.

Once you have an understanding of who you are talking to, you can begin to sell because now you know how to present your product or service as relevant to them. If you just sell features without understanding what matters to your perspective client, they will not see a personal benefit in what you are selling.

2 thoughts on “Ask First, Sell Second”
  1. I think your advice is great to sell yourself before the product/service! You’re right in saying to ask them questions. Customers truly want to know if you care, and I think that’s great advice. Great post!

  2. This is a really great post! I love your point about being a sub-par salesperson. It is so true that people can see right through a selfish salesperson and, even if they think they are making the sale, the customer knows what their goal is. It is so important to be genuine and sell yourself before the product. Thanks for sharing!

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