A quote I read the other day said that ‘confidence is quiet, insecurity is loud.’ For this blog I wanted to see if this quote can align with sales. First off, confidence. A big part of sales is knowing your product, knowing your customer, and displaying your knowledge of both. It is important to make your customer comfortable knowing you have spent a lot of time looking into your product. But, being abrasive can be the downside of a salesperson. Confidence does not mean pushing your agenda, it doesn’t mean tricky someone into believing what you want. One thing that stands out to me in particular, is a good salesperson doesn’t have a strict game plan. Every client should be treated differently and thus can’t be planned for. An ineffective salesperson is screaming insecurities. In class we talk about how a salespersons should be constantly asking questions rather than barking back about the product. And from that it shows that confidence can be quiet in the sense that one is listening more than talking.

One thought on “Quiet confidence makes a great salesperson”
  1. I really like this quote about confidence because being subtle is often looked at as being insecure, but those who are often the loudest and trying to make themselves or others not notice something about themselves. This is extremely important in a sales conversation because if you come at the customer with an overfriendly personality and gimmicks they will think that your entire personality is likely fake which will lead to distrust.

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