While researching some of the biggest mistakes that can be made during the sales process, I found something very interesting – On average, customers who had a particularly bad sales experience tend to share the details of the experience with 15 people. This means that, for every customer you disappoint, 15 potential customers will disappear. By disappointing multiple customers, you have gained a reputation for being unreliable.

So, how can we avoid this? Don’t make hollow promises. Hollow promises are the result of just wanting to make a sale, without considering the wellbeing of the customer. If you aren’t 100% sure that your product/service can deliver what you are offering, don’t commit to making it happen. Failure to complete a task that you ensured the customer was feasible turns you into a liar and puts a bad name on your company. Even worse, word will spread about your company’s shortcomings, and you will have a reputation for not being able to deliver on your promises. This is one of the quickest ways to current and potential business in sales.

To learn more about common sales mistakes, please visit: https://enthu.ai/blog/common-sales-mistakes/ 

4 thoughts on “Hollow Promises in Sales”
  1. Hey there I could not agree more with you. Hollow promises is one of the reasons salespeople get such a bad reputation. They need to be honest and upfront about what is happening and they are selling or not selling. They not to speak the truth about what they can or can not do for their customer.

  2. I didn’t know that. That is such an interesting fact that the average person tells 15 people of their poor sales experience. This is a good reminder to be truthful and let the customer know what your product really is.

  3. Hollow promises make all sales people look bad, for the cheap methods of a few. Hollow promises fail on a redemptive level, and it is a terrible way to try to make it in sales. The repuation one build by making hollow promises will leave them with no refferals, and very little returning business.

  4. Mia, I agree with most of what you had to say here and found it very interesting. The thing that I found the most interesting was the fact you pointed out that people tend to tell 15 other people about their bad sales experience. I feel like in todays world this number could be indirectly much higher if a complaint was made via social media. I think making only promises you can back up is a good policy for any employee in any position.

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