This issue has been brought up numerous times during class as it rightfully should. It is an extremely important topic that anybody in sales must understand and deal with. People must always understand who the decision makers are in the companies they deal with or even consumers that they deal with. There is nothing worse for a salesman than completely selling their product or service at an angle to appeal to a consumer to then realize that the angle they sold at is not at all appealing to the other person who is actually the decision maker that carries the weight in this circumstance. Presentation is a huge part of sales and is often the difference in whether a person decides to buy or not. There could be multiple products or services that fit people’s needs, but the difference is someone is there to sell them on your product. People often buy products, but they are also often sold products. Salesman exist to find out who there actual customers are, the decision makers.

You risk so many things whenever you do not try and find out who the decision makers are. You could easily lose your sale altogether. It could set you back. Either you could end up spending a lot more time recovering from such a mistake that you lose more money on the deal or you won’t get the price that you really wanted from them. There are multiple things that can go wrong because of a mistake like this. In my own experience it is not very hard of a process you assess who the person really making the decision is. Sometimes it can be, but I think most of the time you just need to ask a few questions to get to the real important person. I have felt the pain of making the mistake about who the real decision maker is and it is not fun. It is often very discouraging and frustrating. I would even say to an extent that it is annoying because it is very avoidable. Really it isn’t that hard. It is a pretty simple thing that anybody can avoid simply by asking a couple questions.

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