Complete transparency is a very good quality for a salesperson to have.  This is a quality that makes it much easier to establish trust with a prospective customer or keep trust with an existing one.  Complete transparency translates to complete honesty with another person and sometimes it even means forfeiting a sale because it would not be a good fit.

In order to be completely transparent with people, it is important to be completely knowledgeable about the product that you are selling.  If you do not know everything about the product or products, you may mislead a person who thinks that the product will help them when it will not actually or vice versa.  This will not only break trust, but they might also think you mislead them on purpose when really it was just negligence.  Either way it will be detrimental to the relationship between client and seller.

It is okay for the salesperson to tell a prospective customer no if the product will not be of any help to them.  This may forfeit a sale currently but will likely generate more than one in the long run.  Complete transparency is the only way to build lasting customer-client relationships because it will establish a trust that you are actually looking out for them, and that you have good intentions in mind.  Complete transparency implies that you do not put the commission from a sale over their well-being.

2 thoughts on “Complete Transparency”
  1. Transparency is really important, not only to gain more sales but to provide comfort to your customer. Most customers can tell when a seller is not being transparent. This decreases their trust and likelihood of making a sale. Morally speaking, it is never good to be dishonest. As such, sellers should adopt transparency; it’s the right thing to do.

  2. I agree with you that transparency is really important in selling to customers. If a customer doesn’t believe you or thinks you are hiding something, they are less likely to buy your product or item that you are trying to sell. Great Post!

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