It is no secret in sales that not every person you try to sell to for call will buy. Most people can tell when a sales call is not going in the right direction. For instance, if a sales person utilizes cold calling they will ruin into customers that either have no use for the product or service or are just not interested in listening to a sales person who they have never talked to and never met over the phone. On the flipside, for a sales person cold calling is a important all be it time consuming and frustrating process to get through. It would be best for both parties if the sales person could locate the more interested people and call them instead of just calling everyone and their mother. This used to be impossible to do as there was almost no way to tell if a specific person would be interested in a product until you asked them and the most effective way to reach people was via the phone. Now however, this is possible. Think about targeted adds on social media. With these the social media compiles data on who you are and what products you might find useful. The social media algorithm decided who get what adds based on what they interact with when on the social media sight. This works for smaller product but with big priced items people are more skeptical and are less likely to buy something without someone else vouching for the product (sales person). Therefore, what I would do if I was a sales person who had to sell a high priced product instead of cold calling I would buy adds on social media and see who interacts with the adds to narrow down the amount of prospect I have to only those interested in the product. From there I would contact this list of people directly in order to close the sale. This idea would save both my time and the time of anyone I would be cold calling.

2 thoughts on “Narrowing down prospects”
  1. Max,
    This is a really innovative idea. In my Principles of Marketing class we have been talking about privacy and how companies will find out your interests and personality. I think this can be a very dangerous thing and would be hard to market, but agree that cold calls would be a lot better if you already knew some interests in the person you were talking to.

  2. I really like this idea; it definitely would save sellers more time and help them increase their revenue. Some companies are doing something similar: they get customers to provide their information and then sell it to third parties as “potential leads.” For example, Zillow allows realtors to buy contact lists for interested buyers in their area. Overall, great post Max!

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