Cold Calling is the art of either calling or starting a conversation with someone who you do not know or has not been given to you by a lead in the sales world. This act is often seen as pitiful, aggravating, and unrewarding by the public, but that is not the case. If you take a deeper dive into the art of cold calling it can be rewarding and foster sales relationships for years to come. The first thing to understand about cold calling is that failure is going to happen. This idea that failure is okay is not one that is accepted by the general public, but in this case it is okay. Failure is okay because the people who you contact when cold calling do not always fit your target demographic.

When looking at the tactics of cold callers it is often the case that the company has a script that is going to be used in order to sell you their products. This is seen in movies and TV shows such as The Wolf of Wall Street as well as The Office. In an episode of The Office, we are able to see the downfall of these scripts when Michael Scott gets a second job as a cold caller. As a good salesman he knows that in order to get sales he must create a relationship with his customers, however this means going off script. This does not please his employer and is reflected in his number of sales because of company policies that restrict how long a call can be. If cold calls are allowed to operate unrestricted they are able to be powerful tools to the sales process.

3 thoughts on “Cold Calls”
  1. Hey there nice post very informative. Cold calls can help someone grow as a salesman. they allow them to understand how to connect with people and how to take failure and move on from it and grow. Nice post

  2. Cold calls can be scary and frustrating, so your point about accepting the fact that you will sometimes fail is helpful. Your point about making cold calls unrestricted is interesting. I’ve not thought about that much before but that makes sense.

  3. Nice article Gabe, I think that being genuine and hopeful, but still understanding that failure will happen is a great thing and a good way to approach this kind of selling.


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