There is one characteristic that a salesperson can have that will not only make them a better seller, but will make them a more efficient seller as well. This characteristic deals with the ability to be observant, which may be tough when you’re in a sales position.

Observing a customer’s body language and behavior is always important when it comes to making the decision of whether to pursue the customer further, or give up on that customer and move on to someone who you can help. If your customer is giving you the stink eye and an evil scowl because they really are not interested in your product, it may be a good idea to pursue other potential clients. Although, if they seem more intent on getting to know more, you may want to stick closer to that customer.

While observing body language and human behavior is important, a salesperson should also be observing the customer’s environment. Observing a customer’s environment will give you lots of clues about the customer’s business and some of the pains associated with that business. If they say that they work on a beach at a ski jet shop, and you’re trying to sell them something that has no relation to this, you more than likely don’t know the business environment they are coming from.

You can have a better ability of understanding the business environment of your client by asking simple questions. These simple questions can lead to knowing more about your client, and these questions also show that you are interested in them personally. You are now seen as someone who shows interest on a personal level instead of just showing interest to make a sale. The more interest you show your client, the more they will be open with you.

Being observant and paying attention to who you are selling to makes you more efficient because you do not pursue a customer who is not interested in your product, but at the same time, makes your customer feel more comfortable with you because the customer can see that you actually care about what they have to say. This comfort created makes it easier for you as a salesperson.

4 thoughts on “Being an Observant Salesperson”
  1. To be a success sales person it is crucial to be observant and to ask questions. It is important though to not be “over observant” and starting assume. When assuming you often don’t make the sale because you aren’t addressing the real pain. Asking questions and being a good observer is really key to making a sale!

  2. Your right about asking the simple questions so you can understand where your potential client is coming from. If you skip this step you may not be able to help this person because you are coming at the situation with a lack of knowledge and knowledge is power. Also it definitely shows a person that you are genuinely interested when you ask those simple questions.

  3. I completely agree with your line of thought! Observation is so, so important. I believe you can tell a lot about a person from his or her environment, mannerisms, language, and even apparel. Making judgments based on these doesn’t mean that the recipient of the judgment deserves any less attention than anyone else, but it certainly is useful in guiding how that person is approached.

  4. I think it is interesting how quickly you can get to know someone just by asking a few pointed questions and listening intently. As we have discussed in class the best sales tactic is to just shut up and listen. Great post!

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