Sales is a tricky category to understand everyone is different. Everyone has different needs, wants and pains. It s the key of the salesman to understand what is it they are looking to fix. There are several ways to go about this however it is even more different when compare to online and in person,

In person you can try to connect to whoever you are talking to understand what it is they are in the market for. In person people can make connections and sell personally to them and their needs. It can be very easy for the right type of person to succeed by connecting with whoever they are selling to. They need to do the research to understand that person but this is not that difficult to do. People are not that complicated if the salesman can understand their pain they can understand how to sell to them and therefore be successful.

Online it can be much more tricky with as you need to be able to sell and understand the pains of a much broader group of people. you need to understand what they are searching up and where they are going to fix this pain they have inside of them. So this side requires much more research for the person to sell to more people. Their research needs to lead them to who their competitors are and how they can beat them as a salesperson.

One thought on “Sales Online Vs. In Person”
  1. These are all solid points! I agree that selling to people in person on a one on one basis is much easier than selling online to a wide group of pretty much unknown people. Being able to focus your attention on one person in person is much more likely to succeed on a person for person basis.

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