When I am looking to purchase something online I often check to see what used offerings are available on eBay. This can be a great way to save money on quality products if you are a savvy eBay buyer. I have learned few tips over the years I have been on eBay. Always offering a lower price than a product is listed for even if it is listed as not accepting offers. Always check to see if returns are allowed and, if so, if the buyer or seller is responsible for the return shipping. Always see how many sales the seller has made in the last 12 months. This last tip is probably the most important one.

When a seller makes more sales they are held to higher standards on eBay. These include having to respond to customer questions faster, and having to offer refunds and returns more readily. While buying from individuals with a low sales history is not inherently problematic if an issue arises it is often much more difficult to resolve. If a store selling 1,000 items a month on eBay gets a complaint that a product is defective they will address it faster because if their eBay account is sanctioned they could loose a lot more sales volume than the individual who sometimes sells their old electronics. For this reason I tend to trust sellers with higher volumes of sales more.


2 thoughts on “eBay Sellers and Trust”
  1. I think these are great tips! While I have not bought things on EBay in a little while I will definitely consider some of these tips next time I do!


  2. This is an interesting post with some great advice. I have very little experience buying on Ebay so it is cool to hear tips from someone with more experience. Buying effectively from Ebay seems like it has a lot of differences from many other online websites like Amazon. Great post!

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