Kim Kardashian, a staple in culture today. Many would say that she is one of the most genius business brains in Hollywood. Ask me why? Well, I am here to help you keep up with the Kardashians’ business endeavors. In class, we discuss how we need to help create a personal connection with our customers and clients. Kim K, is most notable for doing just that. At the beginning of her career with a very well marketed leaked video, she as Sweet would say, “Spilled all her candy in the lobby.” However, unlike in class, this led to great success and future consumers of her product. Kim K is not the first person in her family to sell a situation for personal gain.

Her mother, Kris, created a very personal connection with her husband’s client OJ Simpson, this not only led to millions in revenue from that one “sale” but also led to the birth of her daughter, Khloe Kardashian. These stars are great examples of how anyone can be a salesperson and make up for the 1 / 9 of people who are in nonsales selling. Every day they are building personal connections with their customers through the use of social media, filler, and networking. This shows why 91% of GenZ individuals want to start their own endeavors. They see beautiful, talented, stars such as Kim Kardashian and decide that they too want to start at fame. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.



One thought on “The Kim Kardashian Key”
  1. lol, I’m honestly confused on how the Kardashians even became popular in the first place. But it’s been impressive to see how they’ve really salvaged and milked this lucky occurrence and turned it into something much more.

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