Jordan Belfort was a salesperson who sold people on using his services on Wall Street, but he is extremely good at selling. In the movie The Wolf of Wallstreet we can see him portrayed as someone who can sell anything to anybody. Upon further research he has a YouTube channel based on sales skills. But more specifically what is it about Jordan that makes him so successful as a salesperson. He also offers a class to give people sales skills and helped them develop those skills.

As Jordan admits it all comes to down to tonality. He able to affect the tone of his voice and mannerism to contextualize with the situation. There are 10 basic tonalities that Jordan teaches, and they are connected to the human emotion, capable of unlocking our most intimate hopes, dreams, desires, and fears, as he would like to say. He also talks about straight line persuasion; the key to straight line persuasion is tonality, “At the highest level, sales are the transference of emotion, and the primary emotion that your transferring is certainty, “Belfort says. The key is to sound certain even if you’re not necessarily 100% certain.

Giving the customer confidence, not only in yourself but in them, is key when creating a relationship and a healthy environment in general. Its always goo to be positive and to be certain about what is going on. Sometimes a prospect will come in without much of an idea of what they want, so if you use skills to understand and listen to them a great way to end the conversation is in a certainty tonality like Jordan teaches. This will allow the customer to trust in what you have to say, especially since you invested your time in what they were talking about, listening, and genuinely engaging in the conversation.

2 thoughts on “Jordan Belfort: What we can Learn From Him”
  1. I will agree that there are many good sales skills that we can learn from him even though he misused them a lot. I agree that building a relationship with a new client that you have never met before that tone plays a big role in it. If you have a good tone people will definitely be more inclined to trust you.

  2. Super interesting read! I feel like the works of Jordan Belfort are often neglected due to the theatrical aspect of his life but there are many noteworthy techniques that allowed him to become so successful.

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