A few years ago my dad bought an Allstate book of business in New Castle. He took on hundreds of clients and bought on many more from his connections through the community, friendships, and family. For a lot of people this task is very difficult, it was difficult for my dad but there is something to be said about being a genuine person. in his discussions with me he has mentioned the many opportunities to upcharge a customer and sell them things they truly do not need. In insurance especially, you can spend whatever you want. My dad has incredible integrity and will only sell to potential clients what they need. If there is not a fit, he will be honest with them and tell them that he does not want to waste their time if he can not come up with a solution that best fits their needs.

Another aspect about my dad in his selling position is his introvertedness. This quality about him has allowed for him to listen and care for friends, family, and people in the community well over the years. So much so that many of these people decided to come to him for their insurance needs because of his trustworthiness and care. One thing he mentioned along the way was that he realizes he is an introvert and that it is not natural for him to sell to people. However, he came to a point where he just said to himself, “everyone needs insurance, I should not be scared to sell to people something they need. I just need to convey trust to them.” This moment reflected his “goldilocks personality,” where he is an introvert, yet takes on the role of an ambivert to sell.

By Nate

One thought on “My Father and Sales”
  1. I really liked the personal touch that this post had, as a person that is going to be selling in my internship this summer I really liked reading this.

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