I have been a Young Life leader since my freshman year of college. Something that has been a constant phrase in my training has been, “you need to earn the right to share the Gospel to these kids.” How would I go about that? We have spent the semester, so far, speaking about building a relationship with our customers. Taking care of their needs, listening to them, and really caring for them. This is so similar to ministry. You are selling yourself by pouring time and energy into getting to know these kids in order to build trust between them and you so you can share the Gospel with them. This is true in any circumstance of life. If you are pointing out a sin your brother is committing, it is much more meaningful if it came from someone that has invested time into knowing you. Going to a football game means more with a person you have spent time and energy with. In any walk of life any information presented or experience means more when the person you are with has been there with you, knows you, and desires to be with you. No person is going to listen to the Gospel from a random person that just cares about conversion numbers. However, people will listen to someone that has experienced life with you, cares for you, and cares about your soul. Sales is in all aspects of life. Trusting the Lord in it is necessary.

By Nate

One thought on “Selling In Ministry”
  1. I’ve never thought about the correlation between sales and ministry but now that you mention it I can’t help but agree. You really need to build a relationship just like in sales.

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