Known for his way of words, Carnegie is easily one of the most successful businessmen of all time. Seeing that the Carnegie family owns most of Pittsburg, it is evident that Dale Carnegie was a very successful salesman. Dale carnegie started his career by writing his book “How to win friends and influence people” which amassed over 8 million copies sold. He decided to write this book because in college he realized that he was very successful with public speaking and had a way with words. This is something that does not come easily to most people. However, we can learn how to train ourselves to better our knowledge of public speaking and ways with words. If you look at the principles that he discussed in the book they are quite applicable to sales and selling. He started by stating “that he believed that influence begins with relationships and that to engage someone you need to make them feel important. His main sales secret was to show genuine connection, asking questions, remembering names, and avoiding self flattery” These are things that I know we have emphasized greatly in class. You cannot sell something if you do not know who they are, their pains, and what they are looking for. You have to form that genuine human connection to know those things. This is something that I am inspired to get better at and I look up to Dale Carnegie as a person who could help teach me such things.

2 thoughts on “Dale Carnegie”
  1. Quick interesting read, its interesting reading about the steps and lessons taken by successful people to gain insight. Also learning those important skills that might eventually lead me to one day get a fraction of their success.

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