Growing up as a kid in Nigeria I went shopping with my mom a lot and I got to examine the experience and understand the dynamics of marketing sales. Why I say this because, marketing or shopping in Nigeria is very hands-on and direct, customer to shop-owner. Through the years I’ve seen how certain approaches taken by sellers have either made a good impression on my mom or pushed her back. There’s the desperate seller who tells you anything just to convince you to buy from him. All of a sudden one singular product has all your wants and needs. And then there’s the transparent sellers, whose honesty and maybe lack of desperation shows that the customers best interest is at hand. If a product is not the best suite, the seller tells us and even refers us to someone else who might have what we’re looking for. And I noticed my mom was drawn to these sellers, returning to him just to see if she could buy anything from them just to support them and even referring to friends. Honesty among other traits is essential in sales. This highlighted to me an important aspect in sales, which is building profitable customer relationship. Selling isn’t always about instantly selling.

2 thoughts on “Trust, honesty and transparency in sales”
  1. Great post Jedidiah! You made a lot of excellent points in the post and I really agree with your perspective. Truth and honesty are critical towards sales, and transparency is necessary for a conducive relationship with the customer. Great work!

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