Sales especially commercial sales is an experience. An experience we as sellers have to make as positive and memorable as possible. And in understanding the tips we have discussed in class, a lot of successful sales experiences are similar to positive social interactions. Reading an article by Max Freedman for he quotes Robert Cialdini’s book Influence and lists seven psychological factors that can influence sales.

  1. Reciprocity: the focus is on the emotional need to give something back after receiving something. If a company goes out of its way to do something nice and connect with its customers, the customers might feel compelled to return the favor with a purchase.
  2. Commitment: this refers to the need to make a change in your life.
  3. Liking principles: refers to purchasing a product due to a positive emotional response to the person selling it. This is the reason many marketing campaigns use celebrities in their ads.
  4. Authority: under this principle, the buyer is persuaded by individuals who are known as experts in their industry or by industry authorities.
  5. Unity: Unity marketing campaigns focus on fulfilling the need for community.
  6. Social principles: Social is linked to our innate need to like the same things as our peers. A large percentage of buyers rely on recommendations from friends and family members before making a purchase. Influencer marketing taps into this psychological need.
  7. Scarcity: With scarcity, the key motivator for the buyer is the fear he or she will miss out on a unique opportunity. This is the reason sales copies will often use phrases like “limited time offer.”

Understanding these principles and how to apply them in sales conversation can improve skills and cause more successful sales.

2 thoughts on “Selling vs. normal social interactions”
  1. I feel like a lot of people fail to understand these principles in sales and try to be someone they aren’t. When in reality if they followed these principles and were just working as if they were having a conversation they would be more successful and create a better experience for their customers.

  2. Great work Jedidiah! Really interesting points and contrasts between selling vs normal sales. I think it is really true that people can fall into being an individual that they are not when they do sales. Great post!

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