If you have ever bought something and regretted it, that is buyers remorse. Now how to hopefully avoid having a customer experience that can be a weird concept at first. You may be thinking “How am I supposed to help someone not feel remorse over buying from me?”, and that is simpler than what people think.

You want to get the win-win, which is where both sides feel like they won something. This’ll help people feel better about buying your products again, and get rid of buyers remorse (hopefully). If your customer feels like they are getting scammed or got scammed they will tell other potential customers not just causing you to lose 1 customer, but many more potential ones as well.

3 thoughts on “How to help avoid buyers remorse”
  1. I like that you expanded into the greater effects of this situation. It is so common for people to share their sales experiences, good or bad. Negative reviews are detrimental because it goes past just the one person you upset – it impacts anyone they told. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. Avoiding buyer’s remorse is something that can be accomplished by the salesperson as well as the customer! If a salesperson has the customer’s best interest at heart, the odds of avoiding buyer’s remorse is much higher.

  3. This makes me think of The Office episode where they are trying to come to a resolution about the poster. A win-win benefits everyone involved and it is a great thing to achieve. We are in the business of serving our customers.

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