As the world moves towards more and more implementation of technology and digital life, the world of sales reflects. The rise of E-commerce is doubtless, with the success of companies such as Amazon, eBay, and establish stores’ online presence. This raises the question; how has this success been brought about? The answer is simple: impeccable business tactics and a shift from in person sales to online.

Sales online is very similar in a lot of ways to sales in person. You must find individuals who wish to purchase products from you or your establishment, you need to form a connection with those individuals (make them feel at ease or like they trust you) and close the deal. This is all extremely dumbed down, but in the interest of time and want of breath, this will serve as a way of summing up. Online: this is very similar. However, with the ease of access of the internet, global reach, and ability to use analytics, the task of sales can become much easier and have much greater success. Ease of access means that so many people previously unable to be reached become new possibilities for sales, which works hand and hand with the global reach of e-commerce. Lastly, the incredible power of analytics allows for much more personalized and exact approaches to sales, letting individuals find things catered to their needs more than ever before.

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