I have seen a number of sales techniques on the internet that encourage a seller to use a sense of urgency to their advantage. They do this because, oftentimes, the more time someone has to think about a purchase, the less likely they are to make it. Some of the biggest purchases we make are sudden and due to pressure from the salesman. This is why so many companies use the FOMO technique. If one has the fear of missing out on a great opportunity or experience, they are likely to take any steps necessary to involve themselves in the situation.

However, is this really the right thing to do? If a seller truly has their buyer’s best interest at heart, would they want to pressure them into a purchase that they know they would most likely decline if given time to think through the situation? Though this is a successful sales technique that is often used in many forms, I am not confident that it is ethical enough to recommend to those in sales, and especially not to those whose product or business has a redemptive aspect.

To read more about this topic and decide how you feel about the ethics surrounding this technique, please visit: https://blog.bit.ai/sales-tips/

2 thoughts on “Urgency is the Best Policy… or is it?”
  1. This is a great thought, while selling with urgency and pushing FOMO can be effective, it doesn’t have the buyer’s best interest in mind. A good salesperson is supposed to care about their customers and this is hard to do while pushing a product down the customers throat.

  2. This idea is very fascinating in that it really plays into peoples’ weaknesses. Exploiting FOMO is not an illegal thing, but it can be an ethical issue. I like this insight a lot.

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