The idea of an elevator pitch comes from having 2 minutes to explain your idea to a big time CEO in an elevator ride. So how will you pitch your idea? I think that this idea also applies to sales. Sometimes the best opportunities come from the most uncomfortable instances. Sometimes it could be running into an old friend that is interested in your product or being at a bar and small talking with someone.

This idea is interesting because usually we think that sales takes time and it is important to be patient. But looking at this idea it can be seen that sometimes a quick pitch is sometimes the best way to get someone on board.

Salesmen should be able to be both a patient salesman and be quick on his feet and be able to convince someone quick. Sometimes i have made a very quick connection with someone in a 5 minute conversation at a group meeting where I ask “where are you from?” instead of a 30 minute interview where I read my resume to someone.


One thought on “Elevator Pitch”
  1. The life of a salesman is very tough because they must be quick on their feet but very patient. They aren’t given much time to make something happen, that is why an elevator pitch is huge.

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