The topic of this post is attunement. Attunement is the reactiveness that we have to another person. Basically this means how good we are at adjusting to the situation. Attunement is an essential part of anyone’s ability to fit in in general and especially important for salespeople to master to be effective.

For salesmen, attunement will sometimes make or break a deal.  So it important to understand the basics of this idea. While most people typically want you to stand your ground and don’t let the customer control the conversation. This idea stresses that it is customer comfort first before your own.

I believe that attunement is an essential part of any salespersons skills. I have noticed in my own daily life that I have become equipped to do this and understand a situation most times. With this most salesmen can keep people comfortable and make easy and effective sales.

One thought on “Attunement”
  1. Attunement is so important to the sales process and every person should learn how to better attune to the client so that they can make the sale. If you start off with one strategy and it is not working out then you are just wasting both the client’s and your time. Being able to attune allows you to have a higher chance of being successful in the sales call.

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