If you are familiar with sales then you have definitely heard of cold calling. Cold calling is the practice of calling numbers that you have not talked to before and there is no expressed interest by the person you are calling. This is different than calling a customer that you know has expressed interest or has reached out to you, that would be called a warm lead. Cold calling is not necessarily a fun thing to do, you will fail a lot because not everyone will want to take up their time talking to someone who is trying to sell something to them. Even though it is not the most fun thing to do it is a necessary part of sales. You need to prospect and call random people to try to gain sales and try to make relationships with your customers. If you can manage to stay positive and continue to make cold calls and sales then you can gain more leads and get more revenue.

Cold calling is a very important part of all types of sales but it gets more important in an entrepreneurial context. This is because the smaller your company is the fewer people will be aware of your product so you can make sales and get your name in the public eye.

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4 thoughts on “Cold Calling and why its still necessary”
  1. I completely agree, I think that cold calling is an essential part of the learning curve for new salesman and women. Once we learn how to properly be uncomfortable and be “Buoyant” in the sea of failure, then we can truely become good salesman.

  2. Cold calling is often looked at as tedious and something that turns people away from sales. However, it is a very necessary part of learning to be an effective salesperson!

  3. There is definitely good in cold calling as it can create warm leads and allow for more follow ups later on. It is very scary though. I had to do it a couple summers ago and it was very intimidating. You are right in saying no one wants to do it.

  4. I love how you put in the picture of differentiating cold and warm calling. This shows that cold calling is still essential but it is about the way you approach it. This can determine whether you are successful for not in the call, most of the time cold calling is people just trying to pitch their business or service to the respective client. Being more buyer focused helps contribute developing a connection with someone you don’t know.

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